Kilimanjaro Farm House

From Economic Promotion to the Classroom

From tropical islands to the “Big Five,“ and then up the highest mountain in Africa, Tanzania has many diverse and extremely impressive characteristics. Heavenly beaches with crystal clear water stretch for kilometers around the Spice Island of Zanzibar. 30,000 square kilometers of savannah with its graceful inhabitants (such as lions, leopards, elephants, and many more) are located in Tanzania’s oldest national park, the Serengeti. One of the true highlights is the 5,895-meter-high Mount Kilimanjaro, which is one of the Seven Summits and gives you a view of Africa whose beauty cannot be put into words.

However, in addition to Tanzania’s unmistakable beauty, there is also a nationwide shortage of schools and challenging conditions among them. Very often this has to do with finances. School fees must be paid for secondary schools and although primary schools are free, considerable costs are incurred: books, uniforms, haircuts, and often even a chair and table must be financed by the parents. This can amount to 100,000 shillings a year, which is the equivalent of around € 80-100. With an average daily income of € 2, this sum is unaffordable for many families. Sadly, several families decide to send their children to school without supplies or forgo sending them at all.

One organization that has observed this suffering and provided a slight solution is Aktivferien AG with their Kilimanjaro Farm House. For over 30 years, they have been leading tour groups on Kilimanjaro and are committed to sustainable tourism. The Farm House was originally established to show gratitude to the local guides and their families. However, over time this project has grown into something bigger and far more important. The Farm House has become a knowledge center that teaches locals how to plant, grow, and keep pests away from fruits and vegetables.

Courses are regularly held in the community to offer countless people an option to stay up to date. The grown fruit and vegetables can then be sold, including to one of the main buyers which are the expeditions to Kilimanjaro. The adventurers are pampered with fresh food every day on their 5–7-day journeys and remain extremely grateful to the locals.

In addition to offering the necessary know-how, the Farm House distributes seeds primarily to the women. These seeds are cultivated through the skills learned and turned into money at the weekly Friday market. This additional income is extremely important for the mothers. It can be used to buy uniforms and books, and consequently, provide their offspring with an education.

With targeted help, a lot can be achieved even with small funds. It goes without saying that the people of Tanzania are full of energy and make the best of every given situation. “Not possible, is not possible” is their motto. This is an attitude that we at the MyIdol Foundation share with full conviction. Therefore, we do not hesitate to support Aktivferien AG with their Kilimanjaro Farm House. In doing so, we are all able to ensure a “fruitful” environment for the locals and provide their children and grandchildren with the important opportunity for education and knowledge.

Kilimanjaro Farm House mission


Founders Message

Every journey starts with the first step. Even if our goals seem large and far off, we persevere and take it one step at a time until we get there. With the same prevailing attitude, I focus on building my companies and climbing the highest mountains, and have successfully accomplished all my goals.

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