New Boarding School and Dormitory Project for Young Women in Solukhumbu, Nepal

New Boarding School and Dormitory Project for Young Women in Solukhumbu, Nepal

The latest project by MyIdol Foundation focuses on building a new boarding school and dormitory for 28 young women in the Solukhumbu region of Nepal. This initiative addresses critical issues these women face due to the poor condition of their previous accommodation.

Background and Challenges

Previously, the dormitory where the young women lived had severe structural issues. Over time, the kitchen floor rotted, and the roof became dangerously unstable. Eventually, the building had to be demolished, leaving the women without a safe place to live and sleep.

These young women come from villages in the Solukhumbu region, which are several hours away by foot and have no road access. Without the dormitory, they would need to walk up to 10 hours daily to attend classes, making it almost impossible to continue their education.

The New Project

To solve this problem, MyIdol Foundation is financing the construction of a new dormitory and school building equipped with kitchen facilities. The goal is to complete this construction by the end of 2024. This new facility will ensure that the young women have a safe place to live and study, significantly reducing their daily commute and allowing them to focus on their education.

Importance of Education for Girls in Nepal


Education for girls in Nepal, especially in remote areas like Solukhumbu, faces numerous challenges. Cultural norms, geographic isolation, and economic constraints often hinder girls’ education. Projects like this are crucial in promoting gender equality and improving educational outcomes for girls.


In Nepal, only about 25% of women enroll in higher education, and many young girls are forced into early marriage or labor due to lack of educational opportunities. Organizations such as Classrooms in the Clouds have made significant contributions to improving education in regions like Solukhumbu by building schools and training female teachers .

Impact of the New Facility

The new boarding school and dormitory will provide a stable and supportive environment for these young women, enhancing their educational experience. With access to proper facilities and reduced travel times, they will be able to focus better on their studies and personal development.



The MyIdol Foundation’s investment in this project is a significant step towards empowering young women in Nepal through education. By providing safe and accessible educational facilities, the foundation is helping to create a brighter future for these women and their communities.



Founders Message

Every journey starts with the first step. Even if our goals seem large and far off, we persevere and take it one step at a time until we get there. With the same prevailing attitude, I focus on building my companies and climbing the highest mountains, and have successfully accomplished all my goals.


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